Relationships Matter; Because Nobody’s Perfect [E012]

Hey friends! Welcome to our newest episode of the Auto Repair Marketing Podcast. Today it’s a little different because we kicked Brian out! It’s just the ladies today and I have a very special guest, friend, and client: Mrs. Jen Rindflesh of Collinsville Auto Repair in Canton, CT. This podcast came from a chat Jen…

Solving the Technician Shortage, Once and For All! [E076]

I do not believe that anyone that works in the Automotive Service and Repair Industry would argue with the fact that there is a shortage of good technicians in our industry. In fact, 9 out of 10 shops that we work with today (or for that matter in our industry) need a good technician and…

Am I Going to Be Audited? [E029]

Am I Going to Be Audited? This week Hunt discusses if the rumors of 87,000 new IRS agents and if there is any truth to these claims and other causes of audits. • What is the IRS doing with all the new agents that they are hiring? • What increases your risks in getting audited…

Is It Customer Service Or Is It Marketing? [E011]

Summary Sometimes the lines between customer service and marketing can get pretty blurred, but does it really matter? Join Kim and Brian as they talk about some of their favorite customer service tricks that auto repair shops can use to create raving fans who love your shop, refer their friends, and become overall advocates for…